
All the rage in mom-fashion…the teething/nursing necklace! A wonderful accessory that not only looks good, but gives little hands something to play with when they nurse and little gums something to chew on when they are teething.

There are lots of great places online to find these beauties and I am all for supporting crafty small businesses, but being crafty myself, and (perhaps more importantly) cheap, I decided to go the DIY route. These necklaces are really super easy to make. So, for me, it was a weekend of crafting time spent with my mom instead of an evening spent browsing shops on etsy.


And what a successful weekend it was! Me and the babes were staying at my mom’s house while the Mister was out of town (no way I was was chasing those two monsters by myself all weekend). Mom had sewn the fabric ahead of time. When Saturday rolled around, and the kids were in bed, we got to work beading and knotting. She then finished up the sewing details Sunday morning.

My mom and I have been crafting together for 30 years now and there are few things that make me feel more lighthearted. We laughed away a couple of hours while we worked. With our busy schedules and two adoring Grandbabies, we don’t get a lot of time together these days. It was nice to be able to stay with her for a few days and just hang out in the evenings after the kiddos were in bed. Days like these really make me grateful that the Mister and I found our way back home to raise our family.


But back to these little treasures…Miss Mo is constantly pulling on my shirts and/or hair when she nurses and has started teething this month, so hopefully these new fashion statements can create good vibes in both of our lives.

Miss Mo