birthday lunch

My baby is three. How? I ask myself that question every year, usually everyday. How did he get so big? Where did this intelligent, independent “kid” come from? Where did my “baby” go?

I have been struggling with this post for several weeks now, should I document the day exactly as it unfolded? Would it be better to talk about Paddy and who he is? Should I just post some pictures and a little blurb about what is happening in each one? I don’t know.

The truth is, it’s been a rough couple of months. The baby doesn’t sleep, we hate where we live, we’re trying to buy a house…and Mister Paddy is in the throws of his threenage years. To add to it, I had what I thought would be the perfect day planned, but that fell through last minute and we had to improvise.

I had a lot on my mind, but I was determined to make this little man’s day great! And luckily, we did. He had a smile on his face the whole day. He got to eat at his favorite restaurant and see people that he loves. He got gifts and good food. It was a good day. For all of us. A full day of quality time that we all really needed.

So, to address my struggle, I’ll choose the last option, just a couple of great photos to show the love in our lives and the joy in our hearts as we celebrate the third anniversary of this beautiful child’s birth…

birthday sundae

birthday swing