Sleeping like a baby… In my world that means waking up every hour, demanding to be fed, then falling back asleep until the next hunger pain hits. Paddy was a terrible sleeper starting from about three months all the way until he was nearly two years old. We foolishly thought his sister had to be better at sleeping than he was. But guess what?!? We were wrong! She is worse! So much worse!
My baby is three. How? I ask myself that question every year, usually everyday. How did he get so big? Where did this intelligent, independent “kid” come from? Where did my “baby” go? I have been struggling with this post for several weeks now, should I document the day exactly as it unfolded? Would it be better to talk about Paddy and who he is? Should I just post some pictures and a little blurb about what is happening in each one?
…We cook-out. And sometimes I wear pink. I like to think I’m punny, but I’m pretty sure that is just a delusion. Anyway, I sketched up this cute little guy to practice my hand lettering and celebrate the summer cookouts that we have each Wednesday at work. This is just one of the many things that I absolutely love about my job. Last summer, we started having weekly cookouts because someone thought it would be fun.
What a sh**show. Mr. Paddy loves to bake. He is always asking me or Grandma to bake with him and I am generally more than happy to oblige. This weekend was a busy one, we had family visiting Saturday which meant I spent the morning running around trying to get a day’s worth of chores and errands done in just a couple of hours, I then made a (delicious) lasagna and entertained our guests once they arrived.
All the rage in mom-fashion…the teething/nursing necklace! A wonderful accessory that not only looks good, but gives little hands something to play with when they nurse and little gums something to chew on when they are teething. There are lots of great places online to find these beauties and I am all for supporting crafty small businesses, but being crafty myself, and (perhaps more importantly) cheap, I decided to go the DIY route.
Every parent wants their children to be like them at least a little bit…if it’s carrying on the family business, going to their alma mater, or cheering for their favorite sportsball team. It’s really no different for us… Well… It’s a little different. We just want our kids to be geeks. Loud and proud. A few months ago, we decided to start Paddy on Star Wars. We wanted to test the waters, see if he would show any interest in it.
When I was in high school, my mom was a single mom and worked shift-work. That meant that we only saw each other in passing a lot of the time. Because of this, I was the kid that always had a note from mom tucked into my lunch or in my homework from the night before. And frankly I loved it! You hear stories about those kids getting picked on, but forget that.
I definitely have my favorites when it comes to baking…brownies and chocolate chip cookies come to mind. But, I am also willing to experiment now and then. A while ago, a funfetti cookie cake recipe crossed my path and I decided to give it a go. I passed on the frosting portion of this particular recipe, but the cookie cake was delightful! A few weeks back I was looking for something different to bake, and I thought of this recipe, but as actual cookies (big cookies) instead of the cookie cake.
Where I live there are not a lot of places to go for entertainment. Most of our adventures require some amount of travel. So when an opportunity presents itself, I jump on it. Even if that opportunity is a day trip to Target with my mom and the kids. This may seem silly to most people, but the closest Target is still nearly an hour away so, even this is an adventure.
Cupcakes! Who doesn’t love a cupcake?!? My husband, thats who! Okay, that’s not entirely true but, he does not have the same affinity for baked good that I do. When our first long weekend of the summer rolled around back in May you can bet that baking was on my list of things to do and I wanted to make cupcakes! I asked Paddy what kind of cupcakes he wanted…”Chocolate!” he replied.