It’s only August, and already I am craving fall!

new mums

With this in mind, we finally, finally bought some Mums for the front steps. At the end of each summer these lovely flowers start showing up at the front of every store. And every year I walk by them wanting to get some for the house. This longing continues well into fall when the supplies start to dwindle and I give up on the dream for another year. This year when we saw them, the Mister insisted we get them then and there, knowing that if we did not, our steps would be mum-less for yet another season.

new mums

So we have our mums and some pretty new pots to hold them! I got them all settled while Paddy was napping. When he saw them on the steps he exclaimed that those were the flowers he had picked! While this is not quite how I remember the situation, most days he is just too cute to argue with.

new mums

Since taking photos of mum while entertaining a two year old is no small feat, Paddy brought out some sidewalk chalk to help decorate the front walk while I took said photos.

chalk play

chalk play

I will close with one of my favorites from the day…

this smile

This smile is my whole world! Just seeing it can wash away the worst of days. <3